It’s officially been a month since PILT has started this academic school year of 2024–2025, and it’s surreal the amount of progress that we’ve made! This year, our team has changed a lot in members since the original team: Brayden, Cami, Kiara, and Lauren have now moved on to college. Now our team has a new CEO, Minori, FaceBook and X manager, Arturo, Instagram manager, Genesis, and website manager, Anya. Our members are: Minori (San Diego High), Josephine (Albert Einstein Academies Charter Elementary), Lilia (Mission Bay High), Anya (East Village Middle College High), Arturo (Albert Einstein Academies Charter Middle), Genesis (Our Lady of Peace Academy), Sophie (Helix Charter High), Lana (Mission Bay High), Aya (San Diego High), Elsa (Mission Bay High), Nicolo (San Diego High), and Vivienne (Helix Charter High).
Since we’re all still getting used to our new schools and are getting settled into this school year, we haven’t had any projects done yet. Here’s a sneak-peek at what projects we’re planning for this fall:
Albert Einstein Academies Charter Elementary (Josephine)
PATH is in desperate need of desktop and laptop computers. Josephine and her dad are looking to raise around $5k in donations and cash to help purchase used computers. They will be used to directly support finding jobs, education, and provide access to online information and services. To achieve this, they are asking people they know to give and be a part of this project. Once they have something there the end goal is to make it possible to continue refreshing the equipment with these connections. Josephine has been reloading the computers and she and her dad are in the process of sending out emails to people they think are interested in helping.
Albert Einstein Academies Charter Middle (Arturo)
Arturo is planning to do a fundraiser at AEACMS, probably selling baked goods, in order to purchase hygiene items to restock YMCA HOY’s (housing our youth’s) hygiene cabinet, and is in the process of collaborating with Ms. Portillo, who works there.
East Village Middle College High (Anya)
Anya wants to do her final project to become a part of our Executive Committee for YMCA TAY (transitional age youth) and has requested Ms. Travis for donations that would be most appreciated.
Helix Charter High School (Sophie)
Sophie is considering doing a drive to support a women’s shelter or to supply women’s products.
San Diego High (Minori, Aya, Nicolo, Esli, Margaret)
PILTers at San Diego High plan to do projects as a team, including their first project, which is to get their potential PILT-adjacent club “Community Outreach” approved. They plan to do a fundraiser, most likely a sale, in October, with profits going to items for StandUp for Kids and then a clothing drive to support Sharia’s Closet.
Social Media (Arturo, Genesis, Sophie, Lana)
This month, one of the most important tasks was to make sure that we remained consistent with posting on our social media platforms. Lana has designed a welcome back post, Sophie has designed a happy 3rd birthday post, and Genesis has posted both on IG. Arturo has been posting on our FaceBook and X accounts. Both Arturo and Genesis have been posting and commenting regularly, and have proved to be reliable teammates with great time-management skills.
Website (Bio, Calendar)
Anya has been updating the website since our entire team has changed, and therefore, is in the process of updating all our information. Our team members are continuing to write their biographies, which Anya is in the process of adding to our website, as well as our calendar for 2024–2025 which includes any deadlines or project ideas for the next few months.
Goals 2024–2025
This year, PILT’s goals are based around supporting as many of our partner organizations as we can, continuing last year’s outreach for both PILT and PATH, and leading our organization with the same motto and goal in mind as when Brayden founded PILT.
Thank you for reading our blog, and thank you to all of our partner schools, partner organizations, advisors, and PILT members for making this possible!