Happy Thanksgiving! November has been a month of thoughtfulness, action, and appreciation. At PILT we have realized the importance of awareness — the first step to making a difference. You have to be aware of the situation before you are able to solve it. That is why raising awareness about homelessness in our city is one of our focus points at PILT. As we transition into winter, the weather (even in San Diego!) can become a brutal force. While we may feel uncomfortable when getting into our car, we are able to turn on the air heater and keep on driving. Others less fortunate than us aren’t able to keep on driving, and need help from us to start the car.
This month, we have made efforts to help those in need by providing coats through Josephine’s (3rd grade, AEACMS) coat drive, where she collected 32 coats and donated youth coats to StandUp for Kids and adults coats to PATH. The team at AEACMS (8th graders Arturo, Eden, and Emeli) presented to math classes in their school about homelessness and what can be done to help. At SDHS, all pizza sale profits made by Community Outreach Club members before winter break will go to creating care kits for StandUp for Kids. We have also been very active on our social media. Check out our posts to see what we are doing next!
We also have new members: Olivia, Calla, Linah, Shekoda, Stefano, and Mara, all members of Community Outreach Club at SDHS. We had our members split off into groups of 2–3 and brainstorm projects. The goal is for everyone to do at least one project with their group before spring break. So far, we have a blanket drive, toy drive, clothes drive, fundraiser, and a sale planned. We will be supporting PATH, StandUp for Kids, along with other organizations.
Arturo will also be having a donation drive at AEACMS, and will work with his team on a bake sale to raise money for PILT shirts. Anya is planning a project where she will find bakeries that will offer a package of baked goods and sell those on school campus to support YMCA TAY. Lana is arranging a bake sale at MBHS soon with the support of her peers and team member Lilia.
Thank you to the AEACMS team, PILT members that founded Community Outreach Club, new members of PILT, and all members that are on their way to completing our projects. We appreciate all our blog readers and followers, as well as anyone making a difference to help those in need.