Dear community service volunteers,
These few months of winter have been difficult for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. Although San Diego is well-known for its sunny climate, the winter months can be quite brutal; especially for those without a home. To support people experiencing homelessness, PILT has hosted sales, participated in winter events, and arranged drives to supply necessities.
Community Outreach had many successes! Minori and Aya had a toy drive for StandUp for Kids, Nicolo, Olivia, and Margaret a clothing drive for PATH, and Shekoda a blanket drive for Sharia’s Closet. On Sunday, Minori, Nicolo, and Olivia donated 14 bags of new and gently-used clothes to PATH.
Besides the projects, the team held pizza and drink sales throughout the two months, with the recent sale making a total of $110. The money will be used to supply t-shirts for the team. The members also participated in the Winter Wonderland event at San Diego High School by selling cookies and drinks. Their $44 profit was added to the money going towards most-needed items for PATH.
At Albert Einstein Academies Charter Middle School, we have a new member — Keila! Keila has been actively involved with supporting Arturo’s team with their sales and innovative projects. Throughout November and December, Eden, Emeli, and Arturo presented about PILT, the importance of community, and the struggles of homelessness to their peers. To go along with the presentations, they had an activity where students could express their creativity by coloring hearts and listing ways to support their community members. All hearts were hung up in the MPR.
Additionally, the power team hosted a bake sale at the Wintermarkt and an additional sale in order to purchase PILT t-shirts for their members.
Our devoted social media team has been sending posts out every week, notifying the community-involved crowd about upcoming events, informing about the milestones our members have reached, and sharing our gratitude for all our wonderful advisors and fellow volunteers.
Anya has been keeping our website up-to-date and accessible to all! Our calendar shares all that we’ve done at PILT last semester, includes thorough descriptions of our members and schools, and has snapshots of us in action.
This February, PILT has a lot in mind: Genesis and Esli at Academy of Our Lady of Peace will team up to get their semester’s project, Anya will be having a fundraiser at East Village Middle College High School, Sophie is setting up a donation drive at Helix for restock YMCA HOY’s hygiene cabinet, Mara and Alejandro will be hosting a pizza sale with profits going to supplying carekits to StandUp for Kids, Aya and Minori will donate toy drive items with care kits, and Josephine will present to Girl Scouts on how to help out our community in school.
Thank you to our committed and engaged members, and a special shout-out to Ms. Hayley who just finished her last month at PATH. Ms. Hayley, thank you for your readiness to help and for always being there when we need you. You have set an example with everyone at PILT on creating a place that is welcome to each and every person.